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Английские стишки для детей

Рэй Лариса


Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day;

Little Johnny wants to play.


1. Английский вариант нашей Сороки-белобоки, которая кашку варила. Вместо сороки - поросята. А играете так же, как и с сорокой-белобокой, то есть/ загибаете пальчики:

This little pig went to market, (загибаем один пальчик)

This little pig stayed at home, (загибаем второй пальчик)

This little pig had roast beef, (загибаем третий пальчик)

This little pig had none, (загибаем четвёртый пальчик)

And this little pig cried, "wee-wee-wee-wee-wee", (кричим и хрюкаем как можно громче)

.All the way home.

2. Считаете вместе и. загибаете пальчики.


I caught a hare alive.


I let her go again.

Why did you let her go?

Because she bit my finger so.

Which finger did she bite?

This little finger on the right, (показываете на мизинец на правой руке)

3. Пожалуй, самый любимый американский стишок для малышей.

The Eensy-Weensy spider-Went up the water spout, (показываете как паучок ползёт вверх по своей паутине - перебираете скрещёнными замочком указательными пальцами одновременно, поднимая руки вверх)

Down came the rain (к этому моменту руки должны находиться над головой, и вы их резко опускатете, показывая, что дождик такой сильный, что смыл паучка на. землю)

" And was shed the spider out.

Out came the sun

And dried, up all the rain.

And the Eensy-Weensy spider

Went up the spout: again (опяnь "ползёте" пальчиками вверх)

4. Любимый стишок Джорджика, тоже необыкновенно здесь популярный.

The wheels on the bus

Go round and round,

Round and round/

Round and round.

The wheels on the bus

Go round and. round

All through the town. (каждый раз, когда произносите

"round",описываете руками большой круг в воздухе)

The horn on the bus

Goes "beep, beep, beep

Beep, beep, beep,

Beep, beep, beep"

The horn on the bus

Goes "Beep, beep, beep"

All through the town. (каждый раз, произнося "бип", одновременно сжимаете какую-нибудь игрушку-пищалку)

5. Hickory, dickory/ dock

The mouse ran up the clock, (показывате как мышка бежит вверх по стенке прямо к часам, хотя, я очень сомневаюсь, что мыши могут бегать по стенам)

The clock ran one,

The mouse ran down, (показываете, как мышка, бежит вниз)

Hickory, dickory, dock.

6. Jack and Jill went up the hill (перебирая пальцами, "забираетесь " по ручкам ребёнка вверх - от ладошек к плечикам)

То fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down, and broke his crown, (ваша правая рука "падает" с плечика ребёнка)

And Jill came tumbling after, ("падает" левая рука)

7. Джорджик просто обожает стишок про медвежонка. Тут всё понятно: что произносите- то и делаете..

Teddy Bear/ Teddy Bear,

Touch the ground.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Turn around.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Show your shoe.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

That will do.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Run upstairs.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Say your prayers.

Teddy, Bear, Teddy Bear,

Blow out the light.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Say good night..

Особенно здорово получается, если у вас неколько деток, все стоят в ряд и вы просите каждого из них что-то сделать - один трогает пол/ другой крутится на месте, третий показывает на ботинок, четвёртый бежит вверх

по лестнице. Если дело происходит вечером, можно на

"blow out the light" выключить свет и говорить друг другу "good night" в темноте.

8. Вот несколько самых простых колыбельных матушки Гусыни для самых маленьких.

Bye, baby bunting,

Daddy's gone a.-hunt ing,

To get a little rabbit skin

To wrap the baby bunting in.

Little Boy Blue/ come blow your horn!

The sheep' s in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.

Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep? He's under the haystack, fast asleep,

Will you wake? No, not I' For if I do, he's sure to cry.

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs, in his night gown;

Rapping at the window, crying through the lock, "Are the children in their beds? For now ifs eight, o'clock".

9. Вот, несколь-ко популярных стишков, к которым я не знаю каких-то особенных игр. Просто сама что-то придумываю.

Here am -I, Little jumping Joan;

When nobody's with me, I'm always alone.

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day;

Little Johnny wants to play.

Docot Foster went to Gloucester/ In a shower of rain;

He stopped in a puddle

Up to his middle,

And never went there again.

Little Miss Muffet sat on, a tuffet, Eating her curds.and whey;

There came a big spider,

Who sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away!

10. С совсем малышами играют в "Peek-a-boo". Закрываете лицо руками или набрасываете на голову полотенце и говорите "peek-a-boo", потом выглядываете со словами "I see you!"

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Stand up.

Hands to the sides,

Bent left,

Bent right.

Hands on hips-One, two-three - hop?

One, two, three - stop! Stand still.


Зарядка плюшевого мишки

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear.

turn around. noвернись кругом.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

touch the ground.

Достали рукой до земли.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

show your shoe.

Подняли ногу, вытянули носок.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

that will do'


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

go upstairs.

Идем, высоко поднимая колени.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

say your prayers.

Поднимаем руки, сжимаем ладони.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

turn off the light.

Вытягиваем руки вверх, вращаем кистями.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

say good-night!

Садимся на корточки, ладони под голову.

Для самых маленьких -"Slowдy, slowly,very slowly

Creeps the garden snail.

Покажите, как медленно ползет по полоске улитка..

Quickly, quickly, very quickly Runs the little mouse.

Стремительно промчался но полу маленький мышонок. Quickly, quickly, very quickly Round about the house.

Бум - и мышонок врезался малышу в живот. Щекотно' "Вот еще одна "щекоталка" Round and round the garden водим пальцем по ладошке малыша Goes the Teddy Bear, One step,

"шагаем" пальцами по руке ребенка от ладошки к плечу Two steps, шагаем

Tickly under there, .щекочем под мышкой

Стишок .

Two little eyes to Sook around, показываем глазки

Two little ears to hear each sound, показываем ушки

One Httie nose to smell what's sweet, показываем носик

One tittle mouth that. likes to eat, показываем ротик.

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Английские стишки для детей

Рэй Лариса


Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day;

Little Johnny wants to play.


1. Английский вариант нашей Сороки-белобоки, которая кашку варила. Вместо сороки - поросята. А играете так же, как и с сорокой-белобокой, то есть/ загибаете пальчики:

This little pig went to market, (загибаем один пальчик)

This little pig stayed at home, (загибаем второй пальчик)

This little pig had roast beef, (загибаем третий пальчик)

This little pig had none, (загибаем четвёртый пальчик)

And this little pig cried, "wee-wee-wee-wee-wee", (кричим и хрюкаем как можно громче)

.All the way home.

2. Считаете вместе и. загибаете пальчики.


I caught a hare alive.


I let her go again.

Why did you let her go?

Because she bit my finger so.

Which finger did she bite?

This little finger on the right, (показываете на мизинец на правой руке)

3. Пожалуй, самый любимый американский стишок для малышей.

The Eensy-Weensy spider-Went up the water spout, (показываете как паучок ползёт вверх по своей паутине - перебираете скрещёнными замочком указательными пальцами одновременно, поднимая руки вверх)

Down came the rain (к этому моменту руки должны находиться над головой, и вы их резко опускатете, показывая, что дождик такой сильный, что смыл паучка на. землю)

" And was shed the spider out.

Out came the sun

And dried, up all the rain.

And the Eensy-Weensy spider

Went up the spout: again (опяnь "ползёте" пальчиками вверх)

4. Любимый стишок Джорджика, тоже необыкновенно здесь популярный.

The wheels on the bus

Go round and round,

Round and round/

Round and round.

The wheels on the bus

Go round and. round

All through the town. (каждый раз, когда произносите

"round",описываете руками большой круг в воздухе)

The horn on the bus

Goes "beep, beep, beep

Beep, beep, beep,

Beep, beep, beep"

The horn on the bus

Goes "Beep, beep, beep"

All through the town. (каждый раз, произнося "бип", одновременно сжимаете какую-нибудь игрушку-пищалку)

5. Hickory, dickory/ dock

The mouse ran up the clock, (показывате как мышка бежит вверх по стенке прямо к часам, хотя, я очень сомневаюсь, что мыши могут бегать по стенам)

The clock ran one,

The mouse ran down, (показываете, как мышка, бежит вниз)

Hickory, dickory, dock.

6. Jack and Jill went up the hill (перебирая пальцами, "забираетесь " по ручкам ребёнка вверх - от ладошек к плечикам)

То fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down, and broke his crown, (ваша правая рука "падает" с плечика ребёнка)

And Jill came tumbling after, ("падает" левая рука)

7. Джорджик просто обожает стишок про медвежонка. Тут всё понятно: что произносите- то и делаете..

Teddy Bear/ Teddy Bear,

Touch the ground.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Turn around.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Show your shoe.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

That will do.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Run upstairs.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Say your prayers.

Teddy, Bear, Teddy Bear,

Blow out the light.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Say good night..

Особенно здорово получается, если у вас неколько деток, все стоят в ряд и вы просите каждого из них что-то сделать - один трогает пол/ другой крутится на месте, третий показывает на ботинок, четвёртый бежит вверх

по лестнице. Если дело происходит вечером, можно на

"blow out the light" выключить свет и говорить друг другу "good night" в темноте.

8. Вот несколько самых простых колыбельных матушки Гусыни для самых маленьких.

Bye, baby bunting,

Daddy's gone a.-hunt ing,

To get a little rabbit skin

To wrap the baby bunting in.

Little Boy Blue/ come blow your horn!

The sheep' s in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.

Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep? He's under the haystack, fast asleep,

Will you wake? No, not I' For if I do, he's sure to cry.

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs, in his night gown;

Rapping at the window, crying through the lock, "Are the children in their beds? For now ifs eight, o'clock".

9. Вот, несколь-ко популярных стишков, к которым я не знаю каких-то особенных игр. Просто сама что-то придумываю.

Here am -I, Little jumping Joan;

When nobody's with me, I'm always alone.

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day;

Little Johnny wants to play.

Docot Foster went to Gloucester/ In a shower of rain;

He stopped in a puddle

Up to his middle,

And never went there again.

Little Miss Muffet sat on, a tuffet, Eating her curds.and whey;

There came a big spider,

Who sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away!

10. С совсем малышами играют в "Peek-a-boo". Закрываете лицо руками или набрасываете на голову полотенце и говорите "peek-a-boo", потом выглядываете со словами "I see you!"

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Stand up.

Hands to the sides,

Bent left,

Bent right.

Hands on hips-One, two-three - hop?

One, two, three - stop! Stand still.


Зарядка плюшевого мишки

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear.

turn around. noвернись кругом.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

touch the ground.

Достали рукой до земли.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

show your shoe.

Подняли ногу, вытянули носок.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

that will do'


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

go upstairs.

Идем, высоко поднимая колени.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

say your prayers.

Поднимаем руки, сжимаем ладони.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

turn off the light.

Вытягиваем руки вверх, вращаем кистями.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

say good-night!

Садимся на корточки, ладони под голову.

Для самых маленьких -"Slowдy, slowly,very slowly

Creeps the garden snail.

Покажите, как медленно ползет по полоске улитка..

Quickly, quickly, very quickly Runs the little mouse.

Стремительно промчался но полу маленький мышонок. Quickly, quickly, very quickly Round about the house.

Бум - и мышонок врезался малышу в живот. Щекотно' "Вот еще одна "щекоталка" Round and round the garden водим пальцем по ладошке малыша Goes the Teddy Bear, One step,

"шагаем" пальцами по руке ребенка от ладошки к плечу Two steps, шагаем

Tickly under there, .щекочем под мышкой

Стишок .

Two little eyes to Sook around, показываем глазки

Two little ears to hear each sound, показываем ушки

One Httie nose to smell what's sweet, показываем носик

One tittle mouth that. likes to eat, показываем ротик.



Море и солнце

Нарисую кораблю

Море синей краской, blue [блю].

А потом раскрашу смело

Солнце желтой краской, yellow [елоу].

Волны плещут через край.

Новый лист скорей давай!


Кот ни в чем не виноват.

Он всегда был белый, white [уайт].

Но залез в трубу на крыше,

Черный, black [блэ:к], оттуда вышел.


Больше всех цветов по нраву

Мне коричневый цвет, brown [браун].

Потому что очень сладкий

Цвет у каждой шоколадки



Раньше розовый был, pink [пинк].

Но однажды он пролил

Целый пузырек чернил.

С той поры наш недотепа

Фиолетовый весь, purple [пёпл].


Стихи "немного английские"


Беленькая кошечка

A little white cat

Сидела на коврике

Sat on a mat


А рядом на дереве

On a near by tree

Сидела большая пчела

Sat a big bee




Медведь-лежебока зимой сладко спит.

И снится медведю конфета - a sweet.

Мохнатому Мишке, наверное, редко

В лесу удается отведать конфетку.



Я шалил: разбилась ваза.

- Кто разбил? - спросил мой father.

- Это бабушкина ваза., -

Прослезилась моя mother.

Тут за меня вступилась sister:

- Осколки он убрал, все чисто!

Потом сказала: "Father, mother,

Шалить не будет больше brother".




Рыжий кот полез в пакет.

Что забыл там кот - a cat?

Тут кота в пакете за нос

Укусила мышь - a mouse.




Я кукле платье сшить решила.

Я раньше никогда не шила.

Белые пуговки, красный подол,

Будет нарядная кукла - a doll.




Возле forest чудный house.

В нем живет малышка Mouse.

Mouse любит book читать.

И на sofa сладко спать.




- Я люблю гулять - to walk,-

говорил волчице волк.

- Можем вместе побродить,

на луну, на moon, повыть.





Жил-был на свете маленький слоник,

он по утрам говорил всем:*Гуд монинг*

Солнечный зайчик смеялся в ответ

:*Доброе утро.Привет!*

Изменено пользователем Аришка
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МОЛОДЕЦ, Аришка!!! Так держать! А то кроме меня тут ничего не пишет!!!


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  • 4 недели спустя...

Возможно будут повторы, потом просмотрю ^give_rose^

Песенки на английском ^new_russian^





A, B. C, D, E, F, G

H, U K, L, M. N. 0, P





Now I know my ABCs

Tell me what you think of me


I think you're very special

A special friend to me

So let's all learn our letters

By singing A to Я


Repeat Chorus


I think you're very special

The reason's clear to me

We're learning all our letters

So one day we can read


Repeat Chorus


To read is very special

Books can be so grand

As we learn our letters

We'll start to understand


Repeat Chorus





Let's play a game that's easy to do

Called My Secret Pocket

Let's play a game and here's what you do

To play My Secret Pocket


Think of something that's simple and plain

If it fits in your pocket then you exclaim

In my secret pocket there's something swell

But you've got to guess it, 'cause I won't tell





Shoo fly, don't bother me (Three times)

Cause I belong to somebody


I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star

I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star





Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I should die before I wake

I pray my soul you'll take

Keep me safely through the night

And wake me up with morning light





The people on the bus go up and down

Up and down, up and down

The people on the bus go up and down

All through the town


The money on the bus goes ching-a-ling-a-ling

Ching-a-ling-a-ling, Ching-a-ling-a-ling

The money on the bus goes ching-a-ling-a-ling

All through the town


The mommy on the bus says you're so sweet

You're so sweet you're so sweet

The mommy on the bus says you're so sweet

All through the town


The daddy on the bus says I love you

I love you, I love you

The daddy on the bus says I love you

All through the town


The baby on the bus says waa-waa-waa

Waa-waa-waa, waa-waa-waa

The baby on the bus says waa-waa-waa

All through the town


The children on the bus say let's play games

Let's play games, let's play games

The children on the bus say let's play games

All through the town

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Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short’nin'

Mama's little baby love short'nin' bread

Mama's little baby loves short'nin’, short'nin'

Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread


Went to the doctor and the doctor said

Feed that baby short'nin' bread

Went to the doctor and the doctor said

Feed that baby short’nin' bread





Hey, diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle

The cow jumped over the moon

The little dog laughed to see such sport

And the dish ran away with the spoon







We're going A to Z together

We're going A to Z together

We're going A to Z together

Come sing with me


Repeat Chorus

A, apple

B, bear

C, car

D, dog

E, elephant

F, feet

G, giraffe

H, hat


Repeal Chorus Twice

I, ice cream

J, jelly

K, kangaroo

L, lizard

M, music

N, nose

O, oatmeal

P, pizza

Q, quilt

R, rooster

S, shoe

T, toes

U, umbrella

V, vase

W, X, Y, Zebra


Repeat Chorus Twice







Count, count, count your blessings one by one

Count, count, count your blessings, every one

You will have so many, I am sure you'll say

I could never count them in a hundred days

So count, count, count your blessings, every on


I've got a baby brother

I've got a voice to sing

I've got a little sister

We share most everything


Repeat Chorus


I know someone who loves me

I met a friend today

Together we had so much fun

We laughed, we smiled, we played


Repeat Chorus






One. two, buckle my shoe

Three, tour, open the door

Five, six, pick up the sticks

Seven, eight, now lay them straight

Nine, ten, do it again

Do it again, do it again

One, two, buckle my shoe

Let's do it all again






Angels are watching over me tonight

Angels are watching over me tonight

As I'm closing my eyes

I remember a prayer my mama sang to me

Know the Lord will always be with you tonight





A-tisket, a-taskel

A green and yellow basket

I wrote a letter to my love

And on the way I lost it


I lost it, I lost it

On the way I lost it

A little girl picked it up

And put it in her pocket

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It's raining, It's pouring

The old man is snoring


The Lord said to Noah

There's going to be a floody, floody

Lord said to Noah

There's going to be a floody, floody

Get those children (clap) out of the muddy, muddy

Children of the Lord


Noah, he builded

He builded an arky, arky

Noah, he builded

He builded an arky, arky

Called his children (clap) into the arky, arky

Children of the Lord


It rained and poured

For forty long daysies, daysies

Rained and poured

For forty long daysies, daysies

Nearly drove those (clap) animals crazy, crazy

Children of the Lord


So rise and shine and

Give God the glory, glory

Rise and shine and

Give God the glory, glory

Rise and shine and (clap) give God the glory, glory

Children of the Lord





I'm a skunk, I'm in your trunk

And I'm stinkin' up your automobile

I'm a skunk, I'm in your trunk

And I'm stinkin' up your automobile

You can forget about roses

I'm stinkin' up your noses

The aroma's gonna set you free

I'm a skunk, I'm in your trunk







We're spellbound, bound to spell

Lots of words that we know well

Spellbound is a game, you see

Where you're the spelling bee


Here's a travelin' game that's fun

Let me tell you how it's done

Watch every sign that you might see

Collecting letters from A to Z


Repeat Chorus


When you're playin' this game of mine

Take the first letter on the sign

Stop is an "S", Go is a "G"

Exit 30 is just an "E"


Repeat Chorus








Climb on your bicycle

And ride, ride, ride

Climb on your bicycle

Woosh! Now let's glide

Climb on your bicycle

And ride, ride, ride


Now first we have some rules

Safely must come first

Don’t ride without your helmet

Man, that's the worst

A chain could break

A tire could burst


Repeat Chorus


Always stay on the sidewalk

Both hands on the handlebars

Never ride in traffic

That's a big rule of ours

An accident with lots of cars

If a car hits you

You might see stars


Repeat Chorus







Jump, jump the numbers jump

See what you can do

Be a kangaroo

Jump, jump the numbers jump

Everybody here we go


Jump one time

Jump two limes

Jump three times

Counting as we go


Repeal Chorus


Jump four times (that's great)

Jump five times

Jump six times

Counting as we go


Repeal Chorus


Jump seven times (higher!)

Jump eight times

Jump nine times (terrific!)

Jump ten times

Counting as we go


Repeat Chorus






Lei's all count the animals

Traveling two by two

Let's all count the animals

Parading in the zoo

Oh, let's all count the animals

All the way to ten

Then we'll start all over

All over again


One zebra

Two donkeys

Three koala bears

Four weasels

Five parakeets

Six polar bears

Seven monkeys

Eight tigers

Nine lions

Ten pelicans


Repeat Chorus


One elephant

Two ducks

Three hippos

Four alligators

Five giraffes

Six rabbits

Seven kangaroos

Eight camels

Nine orangutans

Ten peacocks


Repeat Chorus

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Remember those commercials

With that crazy pair

They called themselves crash dummies

They really seemed to care

They always crashed a car

Sometimes two or three

To show what could happen to you and me




If we don't buckle up our seat belts

Buckle up now please

It's not the least bit difficult

Yes it's quite a breeze

Let's buckle up our seat belts

Buckle one and all

It's for our own safety

It's also the law


Read the Sunday paper

Watch the news at five

You sometimes hear of people

Who now are not alive

Fastening their seat belts

Is what they failed to do

II could happen again to me and you


Repeat Chorus





It's night on the farm

And little lamb sleeps

Crickets are chirping

Night grows so deep

Soon will be morning

Sleep while you can

Just close your eyes

And sleep little lamb


Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep

Sleep little lamb





When you knock somebody down

When you push someone around

Always say I'm sorry

It's an easy thing to say


When you interrupt a guest

When you make a great big mess

Always say I'm sorry

It's an easy thing to say



I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Learn to say I'm sorry

Let your kindness show

I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Let your manners grow and grow


When you make a big mistake

If an awful face you make

Always say I'm sorry

It's an easy thing to do


If you bump a friend of mine

If you say a word unkind

Always say I'm sorry

It's an easy thing to say


Repeat Chorus


When you knock somebody down

When you push someone around

Always say I'm sorry

It's an easy thing to say


When you interrupt a guest

When you make a great big mess

Always say I'm sorry

It's an easy thing to say


Repeat Chorus





Sometimes I'm in a hurry

Sometimes I just can't wait

But I've learned my manners

I know what to do

I'll use my self-control and

Gladly say to you



I’ll go after you. I'll go after you

Now I know my manners

So this is what I'll do

I'll go after you


Mama says we should be patient

Daddy says sometimes to wait

I've learned my lessons

And I know what to do

If I use good manners

Then I can say to you


Repeal Chorus


Sometimes we're in a hurry

Sometimes we just can't wait

But we've learned our manners

We know just what to do

We'll use our self-control

And gladly say to you


Repeat Chorus


Now I know my manners

So this is what I'll do

I'll go after you






If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands


If you're happy and you know it, shake a hand

If you're happy and you know it, shake a hand

If you're happy and you know it

Then your face wilt surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, shake a hand


If you're happy and you know it give a smile

If you're happy and you know it give a smile

If you're happy and you know it

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it give a smile


If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it, shake a hand

If you're happy and you know it

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it give a smile






Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily I love you

Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily I love you

Where are you my sweet Emily?

The night is falling

Where are you my sweet Emily?

Your mother's calling

So come to bed and lay your head upon my shoulder

What joy 1 feel, I should be still, but again I told her

The angels, my sweet Emily, are here beside you

And heaven, my sweet Emily, will always guide you

I love you so, you'll never know the joy you're bringing

This love inside no-one could hide

So again I'm singing






Please open the door for me

Thank you, thank you

Please open the door for me

Thank you, thank you

I can say thank you, I can say thank you

Now I know just what to do

Just say please and thank you


Please pour me a glass of milk

Thank you, thank you

Please pour me a glass of milk

Thank you, thank you

I can say thank you, I can say thank you

Now I know just what to do

Just say please and thank you


Please give me a little hug

Thank you, thank you

Please give me a little hug


Thank you, thank you

I can say thank you, I can say thank you

Now I know just what to do

Just say please and thank you

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